
Testschnack: Mit Focused Build kommt SAP Testing aus der Schmuddelecke

Mit Focused Build erhält der Test einen ganz neuen Stellenwert bei der Einführung von S/4. Sebastian Geissler erzählt uns, dass wir mit diesem AddOn zum Solutionmanager nicht nur ein weitgehend direkt verwendbares Werkzeug haben, sondern vor allem eine an das Scaled Agile Framework angelehnte Methodik erhalten.

Help needed: Let Us Develop a Heuristic on Ethics in Software Testing!

Is “according to the requirements” the same as correct? The same as appropriate? The same as ethical? The last #StugHH Event with Tobias Geyer tried to approach an answer. Or at least tried to get us thinking. And that worked! Let’s talk about Ethics and Software Testing! Tobi presented us …

#FlattenTheCurve: Another QS Barcamp Perspective

Early September, the StugHH and friends had our 4th QS barcamp in Hamburg. Well, in Hamburg and all over the world. As it was online. ONLINE! In pandemic times not that unusual, but for us it did make a difference. No barbecue night, no chatting along, no coffee times…. BUT: …

The Beauty and the Beast – Test your S/4 Conversion

Whenever you talk about testing SAP, many people will shy away as they think that is boring. How wrong they are we proved at the #StugHH panel discussion “SAP Test Tool Slam – Successful Test of the S/4 Conversion”. One could learn so much from the panelists and the discussion …

Expanding my Horizons – The End of QA As We Know It

Late October 2019 I had the chance to visit a conference where I had not yet been before: The Imbus QS-Days. I was curious to understand the difference to other conferences where I had been, for example the Agile Testing Days (ATD). Also, I had the opportunity to give my …

Aaaand Action: SAP and Testing: A Rebel Without a Cause

The German SAP users’ organization just had their yearly event #DSAGJK19, using the analogy to movies as leitmotif through the conference. Visiting the conference with a testing mindset, the movie I had to think of was “A rebel without a cause” (You know, the one where James Dean had a …