Tag: <span>#qscamp</span>

The Sec in DevSecOps – A Gaulic Village of Testing?

The year is 2022 A.C. Testing is entirely occupied by the DevOps teams. Well, not entirely… One small village of indomitable quality specialists still holds out against the invadors. And life is not easy for the DevOps teams who garrison the fortified camps of Threat Modellus, Arachnikus, Injectinus, Zapnius and …

Growing with the QS-Barcamp

As every year aound this time, testers of germany united to exchange knowledge, experience, feelings, words, tricks, results, … No, it is not a bazar, not a conference, but the Hamburg QS barcamp (https://qs-barcamp.de)! This time we celebrated our fifth birthday, and is was a true celebration – even online…. …

#FlattenTheCurve: Another QS Barcamp Perspective

Early September, the StugHH and friends had our 4th QS barcamp in Hamburg. Well, in Hamburg and all over the world. As it was online. ONLINE! In pandemic times not that unusual, but for us it did make a difference. No barbecue night, no chatting along, no coffee times…. BUT: …